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About us    


Arcola Missionary Baptist is a small Independent Baptist Church located in a farm community in central Illinois.  Though the local community of Arcola is small, there are other neighboring communities close by. 

 It is our desire to reach out to the local community and surrounding towns to bring people to Christ and to provide a place of worship where people will learn and grow in the Word of God.  Our goal is to increase in faith and to grow spiritually while humbly serving God and the community.

We are presently giving prayer support to five missions and financial support to four missions.

KJV is our personal preference and we still enjoy the old beloved hymns.  

Arcola Missionary Baptist is a small church full of love and compassion, ready to do a BIG work for the Lord. 


Isaiah 6:8  Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?  Then said I, Here am I; send me.


                                    ARCOLA MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH         220 W. Springfield Road          Arcola, IL  61910


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